Monday, July 20, 2009

If U Seek Amy?

Someone posted this FML on
Today, my 6 years old cousin told my other cousin what "If U Seek Amy" actually means. I had to read the lyric over and over then finally got the meaning of it. I'm 24. FML.
Upon reading this, I thought of reading the lyrics myself as I hardly listen to this Britney Spears song.

And guess what, I read over and over again, I still couldn't get the meaning of it. All I thought was about a girl named Amy, but then I remembered there was once Yahoo! reported that the song it's not about Amy at all.

So I posted the question on Yahoo! Answers.

**Actual questions will not be posted here for privacy reasons.

The answers I got back from answers made me feel quite sorry for myself LOL.

I know some of you might know it already, as for those who don't, try read/sing this sentence over and over again, read it out loud if you want.

" ... All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek amy. "
Still can't get it?

You see, if you seek amy actually rhymes with f-u-c-k me.

Yeah, now only I know, how old is this song already. LOL.

"Love me hate me,
say what you want about me,
but all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek amy."

If U Seek Amy - Britney Spears.


† Đ˜ICHOLAS † said...

omg... i din no that... i been repeating "if you seek amy" a few times then i only get it. LOL.. very informative :) LOVE IT

Jess Lim said...

okay... now i get it... lol... i really spent a LONG time to figure tht out. lol. slow absorption. =p