Macro power point notes. zzz
In Macro exam, I didn't want to leave the exam hall early like I usually do.. But when we have like 45 minutes to go, most of the students already started to leave, it was quite noisy with the noise of students banging the chairs and tables when they were struggling to get up from their seats. So it distrated me from concentrating on my test. I actually finished it earlier, and I checked back quite number of times already.. I still wanna check more, the room got so noisy I couldn't stand it anymore, so I left the room. It was around 2 o clock then. I thought of going home early, so that I can nap. When I was already at G floor reading some articles from the college, getting ready to go home, suddenly someone pulled my backpack. I turned to see who was it, Leo pulak. Went to Summit with Loon & Leo. Loon makan lunch, I makan McFlurry mudpie. Quite delicious also. By that time I felt like going home, 4pm already. Took a nap till 7.30 =.= Tweet
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